Wordpress (Japanese SEO) hack extracting and executing code from uploaded ZIP file

Published on August 26th 2022 - Listed in Security Wordpress PHP Hacks - 0 comments

Technical analysis of Wordpress hack with PHP script lock360.php as running process

Published on February 22nd 2022 - last updated on November 14th 2023 - Listed in PHP Security Linux Hacks Wordpress - 9 comments

New vulnerability exploits lead to mass hack attacks on multiple Wordpress installations

Published on February 18th 2022 - last updated on February 22nd 2022 - Listed in Security Wordpress Internet Hacks - 0 comments

Protect your Wordpress blog from brute force login attacks

Published on February 1st 2021 - last updated on February 2nd 2021 - Listed in Wordpress Security Hacks - 0 comments

How the X-Cache HTTP header information (HIT, MISS) was abused for targeted attacks on our systems

Published on March 13th 2020 - Listed in Security Internet Varnish Hacks - 4 comments

Magento shop hacked, possibly through Connect Manager

Published on December 5th 2016 - Listed in Hacks PHP - 0 comments

Tracing a DirtyCow exploit hack several years back to 2007

Published on October 28th 2016 - Listed in Hacks Linux Internet - 0 comments

Joomla CMS 3.4.5 hacked through RCE vulnerability

Published on January 4th 2016 - Listed in Hacks Internet - 1 comments

Wordpress web abused using fx() web shell and Priv8 mailer to send spams

Published on October 9th 2015 - Listed in Hacks Internet Linux - 0 comments

When a Windows support phone scammer reaches a Linux Systems Engineer...

Published on March 3rd 2015 - Listed in Windows Linux Internet Hacks - 0 comments

Joomla website hacked through Akeeba component (com_joomlaupdate)

Published on February 25th 2015 - Listed in Hacks Internet PHP - 0 comments

Wordpress hacked through vulnerability in Wysija (Mail Poet)

Published on November 9th 2014 - Listed in Internet Hacks PHP - 0 comments

Are there any shellshock attacks (in Apache access logs)?

Published on September 26th 2014 - Listed in Hacks Linux Shell Apache - 1 comments

Finding a spammer (or spam script) sometimes takes time and patience

Published on May 13th 2014 - Listed in Linux Hacks Internet Mail - 0 comments

Tracing a Joomla website hack back to com_extplorer module

Published on April 11th 2014 - Listed in Linux Internet Unix Hacks CMS - 1 comments

Debians patching solution for the openssl heartbleed bug

Published on April 10th 2014 - Listed in Linux Internet Unix Hacks - 0 comments

Old Wordpress (3.4.2) hacked and used to create and execute binary

Published on February 26th 2014 - Listed in Hacks PHP - 3 comments

Nofawkx hack: WSO PHP shell uploaded through (very) old tiny_mce

Published on February 10th 2014 - Listed in Hacks Internet BSD - 0 comments

Uploaded and executed perl script through old Joomla vulnerability

Published on February 10th 2014 - Listed in Hacks Linux Internet CMS - 0 comments

Now that's what I call a web hack! (wonder.php, rusztiko.com)

Published on September 5th 2013 - last updated on May 11th 2023 - Listed in Internet PHP Linux BSD Hacks - 1 comments

Portuguese spam tool uploaded through old Joomla

Published on August 19th 2013 - Listed in Internet Linux Hacks - 0 comments

Another cgi web shell found (webr00t), uploaded through old Joomla

Published on May 2nd 2013 - Listed in Internet PHP Hacks - 0 comments

GoogleBot used as HTTP Agent by Hackers/Botscripts

Published on September 5th 2012 - Listed in PHP Internet Linux Hacks - 0 comments

Spam-Attacks (possibly Dark Mailer) through abused FTP account within 1s

Published on September 3rd 2012 - Listed in Internet PHP Linux Hacks Mail - 0 comments

Joomla CMS hacks by using vulnerability in com_fabrik

Published on January 26th 2012 - Listed in Internet PHP Hacks Security - 4 comments

Update on the timthumb Wordpress hack - it happened again!

Published on November 12th 2011 - Listed in Linux PHP Internet Hacks - 0 comments

Wordpress timthumb hack - a PHP hack story

Published on November 9th 2011 - Listed in Linux PHP Hacks Wordpress - 0 comments

On a Hacker's trail

Published on January 25th 2011 - Listed in Internet Linux PHP Hacks - 2 comments

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