VMware: VI Client is suddenly in German after ESX 3.5 Update 2 (build 110268)
Last Update: 25.09.2008
OK, this is a very strange bug which doesn't really hurt anyone but it is still
This week I upgraded my ESX servers from Update 1 toESX 3.5 Update 2. After
doing so on my Test-ESX server I connected with my VI Client (version 2.5 Update
2) directly to this updated server to check if all machines could be started
again. It downloaded some new files and then restarted my client. OK, another
connect to the just updated ESX server. Now comes the time when I figured out
that my whole VI Client changed into German.. What the?! Yes, my Windows XP
Pro is a German edition and my keyboard layout is set to German (Swiss) but
I still want to use my VI Client in English.
After looking through the help (within VI Client) and all kind of "Settings" for some kind of "change language" without luck I decided to check out the VMware forums. Now I finally got my answer!
On the forum page http://communities.vmware.com/message/1037491 you will find an entry of user zybr, who has found a way to switch the language back to English. It's a weird way to do so but as far as I know today the only way:
After looking at the installation directory on my PC I did the following
renamed folder "de" to "de-old" in C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\Virtual
Infrastructure Client\2.5
et voila! Only the logon mask appears in german, the server's surface is now
in english.
I'm sure, VMware will soon release another patch to set the language of the VI Client manually.. until then you gotta enjoy German or do this little trick ;-).
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