Note: This guide applies to both Jira and Confluence. This article can also be used in general to migrate from utf8 to utf8mb4.
After Jira's database was migrated from a MariaDB 10.3 to a MySQL 5.7 and Jira was updated from 8.5 to 8.12, issues started when creating a ticket with special characters (such as an emoticon) in it:
(SQL Exception while executing the following:INSERT INTO jiraaction (ID, issueid, AUTHOR, actiontype, actionlevel, rolelevel, actionbody, CREATED, UPDATEAUTHOR, UPDATED, actionnum) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) (Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F\x98\x8A \x0A...' for column 'actionbody' at row 1))
The reason for this is that Jira now supports UTF8MB4 character encoding in combination with MySQL 5.7 (see Connecting Jira applications to MySQL 5.7). In MySQL 5.6 this character encoding caused application issues and setting the Jira database to UTF8 was mandatory (see Connecting Jira applications to MySQL 5.6).
As a general rule of thumb, the supported MySQL character sets and collations by Jira are (as of September 2020):
Additionally it depends on your Jira (and Confluence) version, whether or not it can communicate with a utf8mb4 MySQL database. The following list indicates the minimum release version to be able to use utf8mb4 from an application point of view:
Note: This basically applies to all databases, not only to Jira.
In this case we created a database dump, dropped the Jira database and re-created it with UTF8MB4 (as described here):
mysql> CREATE DATABASE Jira CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin;
Afterwards the database dump was imported into this new empty database.
Note: It would also have been possible to simply alter the database using:
See article How to change the collation of a MySQL database for more information.
This is of course much faster than to export and import a database dump.
However after a Jira restart, the instance health checks showed an error in the database collation check:
Your mysql database is currently using an unsupported collation: utf8mb4_bin. You should change this to a supported collation: utf8_bin
In order that Jira starts to use the newer UTF8MB4 character encoding, it needs to be told to use a MySQL 5.7 (using mysql57 as database type) now. This needs to be defined in Jira's dbconfig.xml:
root@jira:~# head /var/atlassian/application-data/jira/dbconfig.xml
<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
Note: The previous database-type was just 'mysql'.
But this alone did not solve it...
After database-type was changed in dbconfig.xml and Jira restarted, the next error was shown in the database health check:
The table collation: 'utf8_bin' is unsupported by Jira. The Database collation: 'utf8mb4_bin' is supported by Jira.
Important here is the mention of "table collation". This error is showing because although the database's encoding was set to utf8mb4, all the tables (imported from the dump) still have the old utf8 collation active.
Confluence might run into the same kind of error, but the error look somewhat different. The following screenshot would be shown if Confluence was not able to start due to a conflict with table collations:
Detected tables with non-default character encoding. See
According to Jira's health check, the table collations are still set to utf8_bin. This can be verified using the following SQL query (limited to 15 tables):
mysql> SELECT DISTINCT table_name,table_collation FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = "Jira" LIMIT 0,15;
| table_name | table_collation |
| AO_013613_ACTIVITY_SOURCE | utf8_bin |
| AO_013613_EXPENSE | utf8_bin |
| AO_013613_EXP_CATEGORY | utf8_bin |
| AO_013613_FAVORITES | utf8_bin |
| AO_013613_HD_SCHEME | utf8_bin |
| AO_013613_HD_SCHEME_DAY | utf8_bin |
| AO_013613_HD_SCHEME_MEMBER | utf8_bin |
| AO_013613_PERMISSION_GROUP | utf8_bin |
| AO_013613_PROJECT_CONFIG | utf8_bin |
| AO_013613_SAVED_REPORT | utf8_bin |
| AO_013613_SAVED_REPORT_V2 | utf8_bin |
| AO_013613_WA_SL_VALUE | utf8_bin |
| AO_013613_WA_VALUE | utf8_bin |
| AO_013613_WL_SCHEME | utf8_bin |
| AO_013613_WL_SCHEME_DAY | utf8_bin |
15 rows in set (0.01 sec)
But that isn't enough. Not only the tables have a collation - the columns inside the tables (may) also have character encoding defined. The following SQL query helps to find all the column names and the relevant tables (here limited to 15 results):
mysql> SELECT DISTINCT column_name,table_name,character_set_name,collation_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = "Jira" AND character_set_name IS NOT NULL LIMIT 0,15;
| column_name | table_name | character_set_name | collation_name |
| SOURCE_ID | AO_013613_ACTIVITY_SOURCE | utf8 | utf8_bin |
| SOURCE_TYPE | AO_013613_ACTIVITY_SOURCE | utf8 | utf8_bin |
| CREATED_BY | AO_013613_EXPENSE | utf8 | utf8_bin |
| DESCRIPTION | AO_013613_EXPENSE | utf8 | utf8_bin |
| SCOPE_TYPE | AO_013613_EXPENSE | utf8 | utf8_bin |
| NAME | AO_013613_EXP_CATEGORY | utf8 | utf8_bin |
| ITEM | AO_013613_FAVORITES | utf8 | utf8_bin |
| TYPE | AO_013613_FAVORITES | utf8 | utf8_bin |
| USER | AO_013613_FAVORITES | utf8 | utf8_bin |
| DESCRIPTION | AO_013613_HD_SCHEME | utf8 | utf8_bin |
| NAME | AO_013613_HD_SCHEME | utf8 | utf8_bin |
| DESCRIPTION | AO_013613_HD_SCHEME_DAY | utf8 | utf8_bin |
| NAME | AO_013613_HD_SCHEME_DAY | utf8 | utf8_bin |
| TYPE | AO_013613_HD_SCHEME_DAY | utf8 | utf8_bin |
| USER_KEY | AO_013613_HD_SCHEME_MEMBER | utf8 | utf8_bin |
15 rows in set (0.02 sec)
This means: Not only the tables need to be altered for the new UTF8MB4 encoding, but also the table columns shown above.
Note: The advantage here is that all existing tables and columns use utf8. If some of the encodings would still use latin1, this might cause migration problems (and should probably first be migrated from latin1 to utf8).
Before continuing and starting the character conversion in the MySQL database, Jira should be stopped and a full database dump/backup should be created.
root@jira:~# mysqldump --routines --events --single-transaction --quick --max_allowed_packet=512M Jira | gzip > Jira.20200929.sql.gz
A couple of good examples on how to migrate from utf8 to utf8mb4 can be found in the responses of a DBA Stackexchange question. A good way was shared by Stackexchange user mrjingles87, but it needs to be slightly adjusted for Jira.
First create a file, we name it migrate-to-utf8mb4.sql, with the following content (make sure you're using the correct database name, here 'Jira'):
root@jira:~# cat migrate-to-utf8mb4.sql
use information_schema;
SELECT concat("ALTER DATABASE `",table_schema,"` CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_bin;") as _sql
FROM `TABLES` where table_schema like "Jira" and TABLE_TYPE='BASE TABLE' group by table_schema;
SELECT concat("ALTER TABLE `",table_schema,"`.`",table_name,"` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin;") as _sql
FROM `TABLES` where table_schema like "Jira" and TABLE_TYPE='BASE TABLE' group by table_schema, table_name;
SELECT concat("ALTER TABLE `",table_schema,"`.`",table_name, "` CHANGE `",column_name,"` `",column_name,"` ",data_type,"(",character_maximum_length,") CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin",IF(is_nullable="YES"," NULL"," NOT NULL"),";") as _sql
FROM `COLUMNS` where table_schema like "Jira" and data_type in ('varchar','char');
SELECT concat("ALTER TABLE `",table_schema,"`.`",table_name, "` CHANGE `",column_name,"` `",column_name,"` ",data_type," CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin",IF(is_nullable="YES"," NULL"," NOT NULL"),";") as _sql
FROM `COLUMNS` where table_schema like "Jira" and data_type in ('text','tinytext','mediumtext','longtext');
Note: It's very important to use COLLATE utf8mb4_bin. The original collate of the Stackexchange article above uses utf8mb4_unicode_ci, which is not compatible with Jira.
Now run the sql file against the MySQL server:
root@jira:~# mysql < migrate-to-utf8mb4.sql | egrep "^ALTER" > finalalterquery.sql
This generates the ALTER TABLE queries for each table and each column (needing a conversion) and saves it in an additional file (finalalterquery.sql). The queries also keep existing data type limits, such as varchar character limits:
root@jira:~# grep varchar finalalterquery.sql |tail
ALTER TABLE `Jira`.`userpickerfiltergroup` CHANGE `groupname` `groupname` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NULL;
ALTER TABLE `Jira`.`versioncontrol` CHANGE `vcsname` `vcsname` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NULL;
ALTER TABLE `Jira`.`versioncontrol` CHANGE `vcsdescription` `vcsdescription` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NULL;
ALTER TABLE `Jira`.`versioncontrol` CHANGE `vcstype` `vcstype` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NULL;
ALTER TABLE `Jira`.`workflowscheme` CHANGE `NAME` `NAME` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NULL;
ALTER TABLE `Jira`.`workflowschemeentity` CHANGE `WORKFLOW` `WORKFLOW` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NULL;
ALTER TABLE `Jira`.`workflowschemeentity` CHANGE `issuetype` `issuetype` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NULL;
ALTER TABLE `Jira`.`worklog` CHANGE `AUTHOR` `AUTHOR` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NULL;
ALTER TABLE `Jira`.`worklog` CHANGE `grouplevel` `grouplevel` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NULL;
The finalalterquery.sql file can now be run against the MySQL server. Before you do that, make sure that the application using this database (Jira in this case) is stopped. An ALTER TABLE will lock the table and the application might stop working correctly.
root@jira:~# mysql < finalalterquery.sql
This took 8 minutes to complete on a ~4GB Jira database.
While running finalalterquery.sql on MySQL, you might get the following error (seen with Confluence database):
root@confluence:~# mysql < finalalterquery.sql
ERROR 1832 (HY000) at line 65: Cannot change column 'BELONG_SUB_CALENDAR_ID': used in a foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_950dc3_tc_custom_ev_types_belong_sub_calendar_id'
In this case adjust finalalterquery.sql and at the very first line add: SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;
As the very last line of finalalterquery.sql, add: SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;
To verify:
root@confluence:~# head -n 1 finalalterquery.sql
root@confluence:~# tail -n 1 finalalterquery.sql
Then run mysql < finalalterquery.sql again. This time it should run through.
After Jira was started again (without any changes in dbconfig.xml), the instance health checks finally showed all checks passed.
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Antoine from wrote on Aug 23rd, 2022:
Really cool guide, it saved my life when Atlassian support was not really helping.
Thank you!
Jung from wrote on Nov 23rd, 2021:
Hi Claudio,
Thank you for your prompt reply!
It was found that one of app data inside Jira database had longer than 3072 bytes of key length.
That app was already removed long time ago, so I removed all tables related to that app.
Then finalalterquery.sql was working fine.
This is sooooo helpful document for people who are converting MySQL collation to utf8mb4 for Jira instance.
Atlassian doc was little bit confusing and didn't convert the tables collation.
Many thanks!!
ck from Switzerland wrote on Nov 22nd, 2021:
Hi Jung. Maybe that is a problem with the max packet size. You might have to adjust the mysql commands to use a higher max packet size (mysql [...] --max-allowed-packet=n)? Besides that unfortunately nothing pops immediately into my head. Would require some investigation/troubleshooting into this...
Jung from wrote on Nov 22nd, 2021:
Hello Claudio,
Thank you so much for providing this solution.
Everything worked well but when I tried importing finalalterquery.sql and I'm getting this error:
ERROR 1071 (42000) at line 438: Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes
How would I know which is key too long?
Poli from wrote on Nov 4th, 2021:
Great post, thx for your time writing it, helped a lot !!!
Patrick Stuckenberger from wrote on Mar 14th, 2021:
thank you for the summary, it saved me time
Claudio Kuenzler from Switzerland wrote on Jan 15th, 2021:
Albert, according to alter table ERROR on Stackoverflow your assumption seems to be correct. In this case you should make sure your finalalterquery.sql only contains real tables.
Albert from wrote on Jan 15th, 2021:
After repair the same erro of Claudio in the last step occur this:
ERROR 1347 (HY000) at line 525: 'jira.analisis_tipo_labor_2017' is not BASE TABLE
Is possible jira.analisis_tipo_labor_2017 is a view? Any idea to solve it?
Christian from wrote on Dec 30th, 2020:
Hi Claudio, Seems as if this worked fine. At least Jira ist not complaining any more. I will continue with system checks now.
Thanks a lot.
ck from Switzerland wrote on Dec 30th, 2020:
Christian, luckily I did not run into this error ;-). I would suggest to temporarily disable foreign key dependency first. Use the finalalterquery.sql file and add a first line with "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;". At the end of the file, add a last line with "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;". Maybe this helps.
Christian from wrote on Dec 30th, 2020:
I am running into the same issue like you after an upgrade. Your manual works fine until the last step.
However i receive a mysql < finalalterquery.sql
ERROR 1833 (HY000) at line 25: Cannot change column 'ID': used in a foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_3fb43f_build_to_deploy_envs_build_id' of table 'jiradb.AO_3FB43F_BUILD_TO_DEPLOY_ENVS'
Do you have any idea how to fix that?
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