Around two years ago we've migrated all our DNS zones from an Infoblox appliance to PowerDNS and the appliances were shut down and removed from the server racks. This also meant the end of development on the monitoring plugin check_infoblox for me as I had no access to an Infoblox appliance anymore.
But end of life does not have to mean that the plugin is dead. The monitoring plugin is still available on the GitHub repository and open for contributions. And this is what happened. :-)
Remi Verchere already created a pull request a while ago. Unfortunately due to some weird GitHub configuration (on my part probably) I never got notified and only recently stumbled on it. He did quite an amazing job:
Kudos and thanks to Remi for all these changes, even though the plugin was "marked" as end of life. That's the power of open source and I'm very glad these contributions were added into the "upstream" plugin.
The documentation of check_infoblox was updated accordingly.
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