Ansible has a neat feature to manage databases and users (including privileges) on MySQL, MariaDB and Percona servers. With the mysql_user module, the default password of the "root" user (which is empty on a MariaDB install on Debian) can be changed with a random password:
become: yes
become_user: root
- name: MYSQL - Create root password
shell: /usr/bin/pwgen 15 1
register: mysql_root_password
when: rootcnf.stat.exists == false
- name: MYSQL - Change root user password
name: root
password: "{{ mysql_root_password.stdout }}"
when: mysql_root_password is defined and rootcnf.stat.exists == false
However there's a problem with this task when actually running the playbook (Ansible 2.10 on Debian Bullseye):
TASK [MYSQL - Change root user password] *****************************************************************************
fatal: [mariadb1]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "unable to connect to database, check login_user and login_password are correct or /root/.my.cnf has the credentials. Exception message: (1698, \"Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'\")"}
The reason is that Debian and Ubuntu are by default using a MySQL socket authentication (without password) for the root user. The mysql_user module is however assuming it needs to connect to "localhost" (using tcp) as this is the default value of the login_host parameter.
This can be verified using a non-root user:
ck@mariadb1:~$ mysql -u root -h localhost
ERROR 1698 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'
Even though the Ansible playbook is told to use sudo (become), the error in the playbook output is the same.
To overcome this, the mysql_user module needs to be told to use login_unix_socket instead:
# Run mysql_secure_installation
- name: MYSQL - Change root user password
name: root
password: "{{ mysql_root_password.stdout }}"
login_user: root
login_unix_socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
when: mysql_root_password is defined and mycnf.stat.exists == false
With this change, the task is now correctly executed:
TASK [MYSQL - Change root user password] *****************************************************************************
changed: [mariadb1]
Of course subsequent tasks related to MySQL need to be adjusted for the (now) defined root password.
Sir Jane from wrote on Oct 24th, 2024:
This is the kind of error that can drive you crazy. It appeared on one system for me but not on another. Thank you for this.
Jacob from wrote on Apr 23rd, 2024:
You don't know how grateful I am for this.
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