When you need to do certain maintenance tasks (such as replacing the root partition) or need to troubleshoot boot issues of a Linux machine, a common way to do this is by booting the machine from a live/rescue image and then chroot into the installed OS.
Knoppix is such a live Linux image and contains a lot of tools and commands to do such maintenance tasks or fix issues within an installed Linux. It can be used in graphical or in text mode.
But after I mounted the OS-partition (just /dev/sda1 in this case) and the other required run-time partitions, I ran into an error:
root@Microknoppix:/# mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
root@Microknoppix:/# for mp in proc sys dev run; do mount /${mp} /mnt/${mp}; done
root@Microknoppix:/# chroot /mnt bash
chroot: failed to run command 'bash': Exec format error
Huh? What did I do wrong? Did I miss mounting a specific partition?
No. It turns out I started Knoppix the wrong way. That's something I already had run into in the past. And I probably will again, hence writing this post will create a beacon in my brain.
The Knoppix Cheat Codes show a couple of very helpful (or rather must-use!) boot parameters, which can be entered right under the Knoppix logo. A simple [Enter] at the boot screen starts Knoppix in the default settings and starts up a user interface (init 5 for the older Sys Admins like me).
But the default boot settings also starts Knoppix as a 32bit system. On a 64bit machine, whether physical or virtual, this doesn't make sense and you will run into that error (Exec format error) when trying to run a 64bit command (from the chroot environment) with the booted 32bit Live/Rescue system and vice versa.
To boot Knoppix in 64bit mode, the first boot parameter should be knoppix64 followed by additional parameters, such as lang (for the keyboard language):
The following boot parameters are used in this example:
Now that Knoppix has started up again in 64bit mode, let's try the chroot again:
Chrooting into the OS installed on the disk now worked.
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