It's been a while since I updated my local Zoneminder setup, which currently still runs 1.36.12. The version can be seen in the user interface, usually somewhere in the top right corner:
And of course this can also be verified on the command line, looking at the installed package:
root@zm:~# dpkg -l zoneminder
| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name Version Architecture Description
ii zoneminder 1.36.12-bullseye1 amd64 video camera security and surveillance solution
However when I wanted to update Zoneminder (and generall the OS packages), I ran into an error related to the Zoneminder repositories:
root@zm:~# apt-get update
W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: bullseye/ Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A8C670C86F88B031
W: Failed to fetch The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A8C670C86F88B031
W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
The previous GPG key, used to sign the zoneminder package, has expired in the meantime. A new key (archive-keyring.gpg) was placed on the repository server in January 2023. This new key needs to be placed into the list of trusted APT gpg keys:
root@zm:~# wget -O - | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/zmrepo.asc
The repository update should now work again:
root@zm:~# apt-get update
Hit:1 bullseye InRelease
Hit:2 bullseye-security InRelease
Hit:3 bullseye-updates InRelease
Ign:4 bullseye/ InRelease
Get:5 bullseye/ Release [1,391 B]
Get:6 bullseye/ Release.gpg [862 B]
Get:7 bullseye/ Packages [17.9 kB]
Fetched 20.2 kB in 1s (14.3 kB/s)
And I can upgrade zoneminder, either by upgrading just the zoneminder package:
root@zm:~# apt-get install zoneminder
Or by upgrading all packages:
root@zm:~# apt-get dist-upgrade
Setting up zoneminder (1.36.33-bullseye1) ...
Installing new version of config file /etc/zm/conf.d/01-system-paths.conf ...
detected systemd
Detected db service is mariadb.service
Checking for db
Db exists.
Updating permissions for user zmuser@localhost
Initiating database upgrade to version 1.36.33 from version 1.36.12
Upgrading database to version 1.36.33
Upgrading DB to 1.36.16 from 1.36.12
Database successfully upgraded to version 1.36.16.
Upgrading DB to 1.36.18 from 1.36.12
Database successfully upgraded to version 1.36.18.
Database upgrade to version 1.36.33 successful.
Freshening configuration in database
Migratings passwords, if any...
Loading config from DB 221 entries
Saving config to DB 227 entries
Done Updating
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