As previously announced, I prepared to build a new computer. Well the new motherboard has two USB3 ports. To copy my old data from my old computer (SATA II HDD) I decided to buy an USB3 SATA Docking Station (Sharkoon Quickport XT USB3.0). So far so good.
When I tried to connect the Docking Station to the USB3 port and turned it on, Windows 7 was able to see that 'something is plugged in' but was unable to find the disk. The SATA disk sat there in the docking station, looking sad and doing nothing. When I tested it on a USB 2.0 port, the disk was detected fine - at least something, I was able to copy my data...
But hey, I bought an USB3 Docking Station to be able to use USB 3.0! I tried to install the latest USB 3.0 driver from the Asus website but the installation didn't work. At the try to manually update the driver with the Windows device manager, Windows told me, the driver is already up to date.. yeah my a**.
I decided to look around a bit, maybe on some other unofficial website another USB3 driver can be used for Windows 7. All I needed is another driver version for the USB3 controller, which comes from ASMedia. And... I found this page, which contains the ASMedia USB 3.0 driver for the 104x series (actually I wasn't sure if exactly this controller series was built on the motherboard, I couldn't find that kind of info in the Asus tools) in version
I launched the setup which came with the inf files and Windows 7 accepted it. Good! No crash so far (as I'm used of that from Win 98, 2k and XP for wrong drivers). Now the ultimate test: I disconnected the Docking Station and connected it again. Windows 7 made its 'duhding' sound to have detected 'something' (this already happened with the old driver) but now... the HDD next to me started to move and make noise as in good ol' times and Windows finally detected the external HDD! Success! Hurray!
Eric from wrote on May 30th, 2018:
Posting this to give the page more credibility on Google. This driver is the only one working for this mainboard. I tried a newer version of it, 1.14, the one ASUS is offering for download, and it won't work. Thanks.
amin from russia wrote on Sep 16th, 2011:
Phantoman from wrote on Jul 17th, 2011:
Thanks for the info. I couldn't find the USB3 drivers anywhere for Windows Server 2008 x64 until I found your article. By the way, I have the Asus P8H61-M EVO.
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