I've been running a couple of tests on a MySQL 5.1 server today and found some pretty strange behavior.
When a new table was created, the collation of the new table was always latin1_swedish_ci, even though the default collation of the database was set to latin1_german2_ci. Only by appending the COLLATE syntax to the CREATE TABLE command this could be overwritten.
In case you ask: Yes, MySQL starts up with a default character set latin1 and default collation latin1_german2_ci.
First I created a new database claudiotest2 on the command line and defined the default collation:
mysql -e "CREATE DATABASE claudiotest2 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = latin1 DEFAULT COLLATE = latin1_german2_ci"
Then verified how MySQL has interpreted that:
mysql> SHOW CREATE DATABASE claudiotest2;
| Database | Create Database |
| claudiotest2 | CREATE DATABASE `claudiotest2` |
| | /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_german2_ci */ |
So that looks pretty OK.... Let's create a table:
mysql> use claudiotest2;
Database changed
mysql> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `domain` (
`custid` int(4) NOT NULL,
`tld` -> `domainid` int(5) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
ENT=1 ; -> `custid` int(4) NOT NULL,
-> `tld` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
-> PRIMARY KEY (`domainid`)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Note that I only defined the default charset (latin1) but not a collation.
Given that the database was create with the default collation latin1_german2_ci, I expected the table would inherit this collation.
Verification (I have cut irrelevant cols):
mysql> show table status;
| Name | Engine | Create_time | Collation |
| domain | MyISAM | 2013-08-29 10:30:42 | latin1_swedish_ci |
Argh... the table was created with a collation set to latin1_swedish_ci.
Only by manually defining the collation in CREATE TABLE this could be overwritten:
mysql> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `domain2` (
`tld` varc -> har(10 `domainid` int(5) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
erman2_ci AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ; -> `custid` int(4) NOT NULL,
-> `tld` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
-> PRIMARY KEY (`domainid`)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)
mysql> show table status;
| Name | Engine | Create_time | Collation |
| domain | MyISAM | 2013-08-29 10:30:42 | latin1_swedish_ci |
| domain2 | MyISAM | 2013-08-29 10:33:53 | latin1_german2_ci |
The official MySQL documentation (on Table Character Set and Collation) defines the collation:
If CHARACTER SET X is specified without COLLATE, character set X and its default collation are used. To see the default collation for each character set, use the SHOW COLLATION statement.
So in the CREATE TABLE command for table domain, I only defined the charset (latin1). MySQL then looks up the default collation for this charset.
This can be verified manually:
mysql> SHOW COLLATION LIKE 'latin1%';
| Collation | Charset | Id | Default | Compiled | Sortlen |
| latin1_german1_ci | latin1 | 5 | | Yes | 1 |
| latin1_swedish_ci | latin1 | 8 | Yes | Yes | 1 |
| latin1_danish_ci | latin1 | 15 | | Yes | 1 |
| latin1_german2_ci | latin1 | 31 | | Yes | 2 |
| latin1_bin | latin1 | 47 | | Yes | 1 |
| latin1_general_ci | latin1 | 48 | | Yes | 1 |
| latin1_general_cs | latin1 | 49 | | Yes | 1 |
| latin1_spanish_ci | latin1 | 94 | | Yes | 1 |
Well yes... latin1_swedish_ci is set as the default collation. Great.
Now I know at least WHY latin1_swedish_ci is used if no table collation was defined.
But how does one change the default collation on a charset?
Yes, I'm actually asking you people out there ;-).
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