For a VPN connection, I wanted to install a new Cisco AnyConnect Client Software on my Windows 7 machine. As I happened to already have an older version installed (Cisco VPN Client 5.0), I first wanted to uninstall the older client.
Not that easy it turns out. The installed application didn't even appear in the list of "Programs & Features". And in the application folder itself there was no exe or msi file to uninstall the software. Crap.
Interestingly I found an article which explains steps to manually uninstall the software. The registry keys got me curious so I took a look at them.
For Cisco VPN Client I navigated to the following registry path:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Microsoft -> Windows -> CurrentVersion -> Uninstall -> {5FDC06BF-3D3D-4367-8FFB-4FAFCB61972D}
And there I found an interesting registry key called "UninstallString":
I simply copied the content of this string into a command prompt box (launched as Administrator), inserted the UninstallString value and the automatic uninstall of Cisco VPN Client started:
Rodrigo from Auckland, NZ wrote on Jun 4th, 2015:
Great, this is what I needed. I was trying to uninstall the previous version using TeamViewer, so I wasn't able to log off the user and user my admin credentials. Thanks for that!
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